This film shows a traditional fishing community on Kenya’s coast who declared a no-fishing zone along their stretch of coastline in an effort to halt the total destruction of their marine resources (through over-fishing and the international aquarium trade), to bolster fish numbers through providing safe breeding grounds, and to create opportunities for marine tourism in their area.
Key issues discussed in this film include:
- Marine Ecosystems (coral reefs, fish breeding grounds, threats to the ecosystem)
- Over-fishing
- Aquarium trade
- Positive effects for fishermen of creating no-fishing zones
- Sustainable marine tourism industry as an alternative livelihood option for coastal communities
This trailer shows selected clips from the finished film:
Year of Completion: 2011
Available in the following Languages: English, Kiswahili
Available in the following formats: DVD
If you represent an educational institution or an environmental or conservation organization in Africa, you can request a free DVD copy of this film (all languages are on the same DVD).
The Making of Kuruwitu – Between a Rock and a Hard Place 1
The Making of Kuruwitu – Between a Rock and a Hard Place 2
The Making of Kuruwitu – Between a Rock and a Hard Place 3
Completed Films
White Gold
CompletedElephants in Peril
CompletedThe Icons of Tsavo
CompletedBee Trilogy
Films in Production
A Snake with Many Legs
In productionK2 – Kenya Coast
In production